Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1980. Completed a master’s program at the Graduate School of Film and New Media at Tokyo University of the Arts. In about 2002, Wada began producing short animated works depicting human and animal characters in narratives that were largely devoid of context.
Wada’s works are distinguished by an abundance of simple and soft pictures, characters who repeatedly engage in enigmatic behavior, and intervals that are inserted between the action. This solo exhibition, Wada’s first at a public museum, will feature a new video installation. Viewers can look forward to visiting a new three-dimensional Wada world within the confines of the Yokohama Museum of Art.
Dates | February 3 (Fri.) – 28 (Tue.), 2017 |
Closed | Thursdays (except February 23, 2017) |
Venue | Art Gallery 1, Café Ogurayama |
Open Hours | 11:00-18:00
*Café Ogurayama 10:45~ *Open until 16:00 on February 23 (Thu.), 2017 *Open until 20:30 on February 24 (Fri.), 2017 |
Admission | Free |
Organizer | Yokohama Museum of Art (Yokohama Arts Foundation) |
Sponsor | Shiseido Co., Ltd. |
Cooperation | Graduate School of Film and New Media at Tokyo University of the Arts, Café Ogurayama |