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Photo: SHINTSUBO Kenshu

In the center of Minato Mirai, ringed by skyscrapers standing side by side.
Passing through the lush green Grand Mall Park, where people gather to rest and relax,
you arrive at the entrance to the Museum.
Take a break in the Grand Gallery, like a spacious and bright plaza.
What kind of art will you encounter today? What sort of experiences await?
What awaits is the promise of new thoughts and emotions to be awakened.

Our Collection

Our Collection
NARA Yoshitomo, “Miss Spring”

This is a place for encountering treasures – the powerful resonance of unique works that transcend their origins in various times and regions.
Masterpieces by Cézanne, Picasso, Dalí, and Magritte, rare and exquisite works by artists associated with Yokohama from the late-Edo period, on through contemporary works embracing the freedom of expression that came to be its hallmark.
And our photography collection that sweeps from early photography through the rise of the medium that dominated the 20th century – inspired by Yokohama’s status as one of the first port cities to open a commercial photo studio during the late Edo period (ca. 1860s).
Overall, the Museum is home to a collection of over 14,000 works. And the Museum’s treasure is everyone’s treasure.


Photo: SHINTSUBO Kenshu

The Yokohama Museum of Art was designed by Tange Kenzo (1913-2005), renowned master of Japanese modernist architecture. Tange designed over 400 public and private buildings over the course of his career.
Let’s take a look at the thoughts that occupied his mind as he was designing this Museum…

Welcome to the renewed Yokohama Museum of Art

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