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Administration Department

Responsible for the operation and management of the museum. It oversees a wide range of operations, from maintaining safe and comfortable facilities, managing the rental of the Lecture Hall and other facilities, and running general affairs and accounting, to running the Museum Shop and Cafe. The Administration Department also occupies itself with public relations, individual and corporate membership management, and serving as liaison fostering cooperation among the museum, local companies and other organizations.

Curatorial Department

Responsible for the collection, conservation, research and study of art works and materials, as well as the planning and implementation of exhibitions. This Department also runs the Art Library, managing the book collection and video materials. The group includes curators, coordinators, registrars, and librarians, and provides the museum’s core knowledge and information needed to give visitors in-depth encounters with art.

Educational Department

Responsible for developing educational programs that forge connections between people and art. In this Department, educators organize distinctive programs, including both “art appreciation support programs” that engage with the collection and exhibitions from diverse perspectives as well as “creative programs” which make use of fully-equipped studio spaces and facilities. We also actively collaborate with the local community and extended network of schools and other educational, medical, social welfare organizations.

International Division

Responsible for cultural exchange projects from a global perspective, centering on the management of the Yokohama Triennale, a large-scale international exhibition of contemporary art held every three years. This Division’s main goal is to build professional networks with institutions around the world and to promote international exchange.

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