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Leonardo da Vinci Lady with an Ermine

Treasures from the Princes Czartoryski Museum


January 19 - April 7, 2002
Organized by
Yokohama Museum of Art / The Tokyo Shimbun / NHK Yokohama Station / NHK Promotions
Patronized by
The Ministry o Foreign Affairs, Japan / The Embassy of the Republic of Poland / The Embassy of Italy / Italy in Japan 2001 Foundation / The City of Yokohama / TVK Television Kanagawa, Inc. / Tokyo Metropolitan Television Broadcasting corp.
In Collaboration with
Japan Airlines / Nippon Express / Asahi Life / East Japan Railway Company / The City of Yokohama Transportation Bureau / Sagami Raiway Co., Ltd. / Yokohama Cable Vision Inc. / Yokohama Information Network Corporation

Exhibition Catalogue


Leonardo da Vinci Lady with an Ermine: Treasures from the Princes Czartoryski Museum, Brain Trust Inc., 2001

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