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Yokohama Museum of Art Collection December 9, 2017- March 4, 2018

Surrealism — Paintings, Sculptures and Photographs


Surrealism - Paintings, Sculptures and Photographs
1. Skill Not Required
2. Groping Toward Landscape
3. Another Kind of Found Landscape
4. Found the Object I Was Looking For
5. Goddesses, Monsters, Or...?
6. What Part of Me Is It That You...?
7. Grown-Ups at Play With Dolls
8. Approaches to Homage
9. Methods of Transcending Death
10. Encounters Between Word and Image
11. Is Surrealism a Style?
[Photography Gallery]Ishiuchi Miyako’s "Yokosuka Story"

In 1983, prior to the opening of the Yokohama Museum of Art, the facility began collecting Surrealist art works. Made up of multiple pieces by central Surrealist figures such as René Magritte, Paul Delvaux, Salvador Dalí, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Hans (Jean) Arp, Joan Miró, and André Masson, the collection conveys the artists’ diverse range of activities, and their efforts to forge into many different genres, including not only oil painting but also collage, sculpture, printmaking, and photography.

The works also represent the expansive view of Surrealism, which transcended national and ethnic boundaries by encompassing artists from all over the world such as Roberto Matta (Chile), Óscar Domínguez (Canary Islands), Wilfredo Lam (Cuba), and John Armstrong (U.K.). In addition, the collection contains a rich array of photographs by Man Ray, Hans Bellmer, Jindřich Štyrský, Wols, and others.

In this edition of the collection exhibition, making full use of three galleries, viewers will be treated to a virtually complete group of Surrealist works from the museum’s holdings – the first time such an exhibition has ever been attempted at the museum.

In conjunction with the "Ishiuchi Miyako: Grain and Image" exhibition, we also present Ishiuchi’s "Yokosuka Story" and other works by the artist from the museum collection in the Photography Gallery.


December 9, 2017 - March 4, 2018
Organized by
Yokohama Museum of Art (Yokohama Arts Foundation)

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