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Masterpieces from the Pola Museum of Art

Impressionists and Ecole de Paris


July 2 - September 4, 2010
Orgnized by
Yokohama Museum of Art (Yokohama Arts Foundation - Sotetsu Agency - Mitsubishi Estate Building Management JV) / TBS / The Kanagawa Shimbun / Television KANAGAWA, Inc. / Pola Museum of Art / Pola Art Founation
Supported by
Ambassade de France au Japon / City of Yokohama - Civic Affairs Bureau / TBS Radio
In Cooperation with
East Japan Railway Company / Minatomirai Line / Yokohama Cable Vision Inc. / Yokohama F.M. Broadcasting Co., Ltd. / Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd.

Exhibition Catalogue


Masterpieces from the Pola Museum of Art: Impressionists and Ecole de Paris, TBS TELEVISION, 2010

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