During his residency in Koganecho, Yokohama, Chris Chong Chan Fui created the film HEAVENHELL (2009), drawing inspiration from Kurosawa Akira’s film, High and Low (1963). Kuraya Mika, the director of Yokohama Museum of Art, will interview the artist about the connection between film and urban space, exploring how these elements intersect in his work.
*With English-Japanese consecutive interpretation
Date | February 8, 2025 |
Time | 14:00-15:30 |
Speakers | Chris Chong Chan Fui (Artist/ Filmmaker) Interviewer: Kuraya Mika (Director of Yokohama Museum of Art / Curator of the“Welcome Back, Yokohama” exhibition) *With English-Japanese consecutive interpretation |
Venue | “Welcome back, Yokohama” Exhibition Gallery |
Participation fee | Free (valid admission ticket required) |
Chris Chong Chan Fui is a Malaysian filmmaker and artist who works between Southeast Asia and Canada. He is best known for his short films Pool (Kolam) and Block B, which consecutively one the Toronto International Film Festival Award for Best Canadian Short Film in 2007 and 2008.