Sambi Shousha- UEDA Collection

"Sambi Shousha," which literally means "small hut in praise of beauty," is the home of high school teachers and art collectors UEDA Kuniaki and Katsuko, and it is both a celebration of art and the base of their extensive collecting activities.

UEDA was initially interested in classical forms of art and, partly as a form of investment, he also collected ceramic works. But in 1987, at age 47, he had a change of heart and decided to start focusing his efforts on the works of up-and-coming visual artists. The catalyst for the change was a painting by KAWASAKI Asako. The way that Kawasaki's works seem to encourage a deep meditation reverberated with UEDA and, in conducting research into the artist, he came across the Yamatane Museum of Art Award for nihon-ga (Japanese-style painting). UEDA set about purchasing works by and supporting the activities of artists who were questioning through their art the concept of nihon-ga. Through his support, many artists were greatly encouraged and UEDA came to be seen by art dealers as a patron. In this way, Sambi Shousha began filling up with works by artists who were thinking deeply about nihon-ga materials and techniques - people such as OKAMURA Keizaburō, ONO Yūzō, KAWASHIMA Junji, TAKEDA Kunisa, YAMAMOTO Naoaki and Makoto FUJIMURA – and these works became a hallmark of the collection.

At the same time, since UEDA came into contact with ISHIHARA Tomoaki's artwork from the 1988 Venice Biennale, he has been attracted to the work of that artist, MATSUI Chie, YANAGI Yukinori, YUKAWA Masaki and other mid-career and young artists creating work in diverse media such as sculpture and installation. And in this way, since the late 1980s, the UEDA Collection has grown to include some of Japan's leading contemporary artists.

KAWASAKI Asako,With Eyes Shut

KAWASAKI Asako With Eyes Shut
1987/Color on paper/130.3×162.0cm

FUKUI Kotarô,Nyo

FUKUI Kotarō Nyo
2000/Mineral pigment, ink, charcoal on paper/

KAWASHIMA Jyunji,Face of Dog

Face of Dog
1989/Color on paper/

SUDA Yoshihiro  Hagi

SUDA Yoshihiro
2009/Wood, color/

※All works are donated by Sambi Shousha: Mr. UEDA Kuniaki and Ms. UEDA Katsuko