
Yokohama Museum of ArtYokohama Museum of Art



We believe a museum
is like a port,
where everyone is welcome.

Coming and going,
diverse cultures and
perspectives converge.

The present, the past,
and the future intersect.

Obstacles and boundaries
are overcome.

As the museum
of a diverse port town
open to the world,
we also believe,
that each of our visitors
is like a port.

With free encounters,
abundant discoveries,
and time spent being yourself.

Seeing, creating, learning,
charting your course
into the future
with a wide open outlook.

Even as times change,
Yokohama Museum of Art
is always there,
a place to open
the port of your heart.

Our Vision

  1. 1.To be a place where everyone is respected and can be themselves
  2. 2.To be a place of encounters with new people, new things and new ideas
  3. 3.To be a place where everyone can experience the joy of life
  4. 4.To spread that joy from the museum to the city
  5. 5.To be a place where the individual, the city and the world can converge

Features of the renewal

Jiyu Area:
For everyone to feel at home

The area around the Grand Gallery, the large open space symbolizing our museum and accessible free of charge, is being transformed into a Jiyu Area now freer and larger than ever. Introducing the highlights of the Jiyu Area that exemplify our open museum, where everyone is welcome, and anyone can feel at home, as listed on the next page.

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